Monday, September 22, 2008

Splitting headache?

“A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache.”

Catherine the Great

I really wouldn't mind imagination.. but headaches??? That's an entirely different story.

A majority of headaches are harmless and can be caused due to many factors like tension, migraine, eyestrain, dehydration, low BP, sugar and sinusitis. If you are reading this, I take it that you spend ample time before your PC and are often prone to headaches.

Many people are scared to take over the counter products to cure headaches fearing addiction. Let us look at a few natural remedies to tackle headaches.

A hot or cold compress around the head and neck will work wonders. Add a few drops of essential oils to soothe your nerves.

Moderate exercise and proper sleep are very important. Try to sleep for fixed hours

Relax in a low-lit room away from noise.

Breathe: Do some deep breathing exercises. Breath through your nose and let out through your mouth.


Eat less oily food. Have proper supplements of B complex. Avoid chocolate, caffeine

An apple a day keeps headaches away!!

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